Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My "Sister"

So today I realized how thankful I am for my niece Brittany. Let me start with a little background.

Brittany and I were born 4 months apart and were basically attached at the hip for most of our lives. People used to think we were twins even though we look nothing like twins lol. I'm brown eyed with brown hair and she's blonde with green eyes. I was always a little chubby and had the shortest legs ever while Brittany was a toothpick with long legs. So she was a lot like a sister to me since my actual sisters were more like additional parents due to the fact that they were much older than me. Brittany used to bite me so hard she left teeth marks when I told on her for doing things she shouldn't do. She was the bad child and I always told on her for everything. Not much changed in high school when she ran with the more rebellious crowd and I was the goody good. We didn't get along most of the time.

After graduating high school our relationship changed quite a bit. We started to talk more often due to the distance between us and I would say we started to appreciate each other much more. Then after my sophmore year of college I decided to transfer to the University of Arkansas and we became roomates. We had a lot of fun and Brittany knew all my quirks and I knew hers. She said I weeze when I laugh too hard and was with me the first time I ever used a debit card at the gas station which was an adventure lol. Remember that Britt? And it drove me crazy how she constantly bit her lip and cleaned up constantly! Then there's her making fun of my childhood obsession with Randy Travis and me making fun of her grown up obsession with Britney Spears! HAHA! Again we clashed a little due to our differences and ended up parting ways as roomates but still remained close. Then I moved away to Memphis and have seen her less and less over the past few years. Through it all, our love for Fayetteville and the Razorbacks has kept me visiting her as often as possible!

So today I predicted her reaction to something and she did exactly what I knew she would do about 20 minutes later. And it made me laugh...... and then on the way to work I was thinking how cool it is to have someone I know sooo well and who knows me just as well. We've always been there for each other through everything and she's the first person I call to tell the good news and help me through the bad.

So I probably don't say it enough so I wanted to use this space to tell Brittany thanks for always being such a great friend and "sister" to me! I love you Brittany!

I've been having some health issues lately that I'm not going to get into... but I'm going to the doctor tomorrow and my awesome mom is taking me because I hate going to the doctor! I have some nervousness so please keep me in your prayers. I know God is in control and won't give me anything I can't handle!


  1. How sweet is this?! Praying for ypur dr appt tomorrow. Love you!

  2. hope you feel better and they can figure it out!! p.s. lovin the christmas background
